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Coton Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

The key to learn, flourish and forgive

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Small Schools cross Country

Just a few shots of our morning at Milton Country Park as part of the South Cambs School Sports Partnership's annual Small Schools Cross Country Event. 

An amazing display of our five school values. Memories were made. Runners were inspired. 

For some, the decision that cross country isn't the sport for them but that's ok, right? 

Without the opportunity, they would never have known. 

Resilience, compassion, disappointment, courage, self-belief, and empathy all vital life skills learnt as part of a morning as a member of Coton school community. 

Incredibly proud of all our runners. 

A huge thank you to the parents that volunteered, the staff members that facilitated the trip and the Sports Partnership for organising another fantastic event - without you, our participation would have not been possible. 

