Otter Class Home Learning
The most important thing for you to do with your child at home is to read every day. Find a time when everyone is relaxed so you can enjoy some time together. Your child can enjoy reading their reading book to you, practising their new decoding, prosody (reading with expression) and comprehension skills. Then share a book together, one which your child has chosen, and enjoy spotting graphemes (written sounds) that they know, adding lots of expression and chatting about what is happening and why.
Every Friday a new sheet will be stuck into your child's Home Learning book. This will tell you what we have been learning in phonics, give you some spellings that your child can practice and an example of a maths question or activity that you can do so you know what we have been covering in school.
Please hand all books in on a Thursday : Homework books; Reading records with Reading books tucked inside.