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Coton Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

The key to learn, flourish and forgive

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Gymnastics - Canon and Unison

Our first gymnastics lesson of the academic year saw the children learning to move like an excellent gymnast - silently, extending fingers and toes and when making a shape/balance holding it still for at least 4 seconds. We thought about one of our key pieces of vocabulary - unison - and spent time exploring movements and balances with our partners that we could perform excellently and with control. 

We also thought about the four ways to succeed in all our PE lessons - physical, cognitive, social and emotional - and what they looked kike in today's lesson.


This week we focussed on developing our sequences working incredibly hard to perform with excellence. We were able to explain to Mrs Osborne that performing in unison meant performing the movements and balances at the same time as our partner. Adapting our movements and balances so that both partners could perform with excellence was something lots of us succeeded in this week. We also evaluated our peers performances looking for excellence and performances completed in unison - great physical, cognitive and social successes on display this week. 

This week in our gymnastics lesson we adopted a 'bib system' to highlight our physical, cognitive, social and emotional successes whilst performing sequences in canon. 

