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Coton Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

The key to learn, flourish and forgive

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Gymnastics - Wide, Narrow, Curled

Otter Class began their new gymnastics unit of the half term - 'Wide, Narrow, Curled' - by learning how to be Champion Gymnasts.

This week's focus was to understand the meaning of wide shapes and explore ways to create them on the floor. 

Our now embedded assessment system allows us to see who was able to perform like a champion gymnast: silently, with pointed toes and fingers and hold their balances still for at least 4 seconds. 
We had successes cognitively, socially and emotionally too!




After a quick recap on wide shapes, Otter Class explored how to create different narrow and curled shapes in gymnastics this week. The children were then challenged to be champion gymnasts again by pointing their toes, holding their curled shapes for at least 4 seconds and by staying silent! A great effort by the Otters this week as evidenced by the successes!

