Collective Worship at Coton
At Coton C of E (VC) Primary School, Collective Worship is an integral part of each day. We provide children with a varied diet of collective worship across the week. In addition to this, we enhance our provision by offering additional reflection times across the school year, including special events that follow the Church calendar and others that link with the children's learning experiences. We are supported in our Collective Worship provision by a number of regular visitors, who help us offer interesting and inspiring spiritual experiences to our community.
We recognise the importance of nurturing and developing the spiritual life of all members of our community therefore careful attention is paid to the planning, delivery and quality of Collective Worship offered in school. As a Church school of all faiths and none, we welcome everybody into our inclusive, invitational and inspiring Collective Worship in order that they may have the opportunity to develop their spirituality and reflect upon their place in our community and the wider world around them.
Please do explore the website and documents provided below, including the Collective Worship policy, to help you gain an understanding of worship at Coton.
Collective Worship Aims and Objectives:
Through our Collective Worship provision, we aim to -
• Explore our school vision and how that underpins our shared values and virtues. In doing so, it will reflect on moral values such as compassion, gratitude, justice, humility, forgiveness and reconciliation; and develop virtues such as resilience, determination and creativity that develop character and contribute to academic progress.
• Help pupils and adults to appreciate the relevance of faith in today’s world by encountering the teachings of Jesus and the Bible and developing understanding of the Christian belief in the trinitarian nature of God.
• Offer the opportunity, without compulsion, to all pupils and adults to grow spiritually through experiences of prayer, stillness, worship and reflection.
• Enable all pupils and adults to appreciate that Christians worship in different ways, for example using music, silence, story, prayer, reflection, as well as through the varied liturgical and other traditions of Anglican worship and festivals.
• Enable pupils to develop skills through engaging in the planning, leading and evaluation of collective worship in ways that lead to improving practice.
Our School Prayer
Dear God,
May our school always be welcoming.
Our classrooms full of happiness.
Let learning fill our day.
Teach us to respect ourselves and each other.
Give us the strength to do our best.
Give us the skills to use our talents wisely.
Let us remember that as many hands make a house,
So many hearts make a school.