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Coton Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

The key to learn, flourish and forgive

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Ball Skills - Feet

Otter class took to the playground for their first PE lesson of the year with Mr P.
This half term they will be developing their ball skills. 
Today's focus was on controlling the ball at their feet. 
I wonder how many of the children can show you their 'footballer pose' and explain what controlling the ball means or show you what it looks like? 


Otter Class courageously took on the challenge of running laps of the field whilst controlling a ball at their feet as part of today's PE lesson. This is testament to how much progress they have made in being able to concentrate and focus whilst keeping their eyes on the ball. What a great link to our Run for Fun week! 

Having been super creative with their warm up and using it as an opportunity to show us what they know, they then spent time developing their accurate kicking towards a target - a prerequisite for penalty taking when they get just a little bit older!

We love your progress Otters!

