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Coton Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

The key to learn, flourish and forgive

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Girls Dynamo Cricket

What a glorious day and a glorious venue for a girls cricket event! 

Fenner's Cricket Ground proved to be the perfect spot for our girls to spend a day enjoying the opportunity to practise and refine skills learned through their curricular PE Lessons. Not only physical skills but cognitive, social and wellbeing skills were in full force over the course of the day. Wonderful teamwork and sportsmanship were the order of the day as the girls took part in a number of closely fought matches against both state and private schools. 

A big thank you to Matt Morley and his Cambridgeshire Cricketing staff for organising the event and to Mrs Flett and Mr Partridge for supporting the girls over the course of the day. 

