Run For Fun Week
We LOVED our start to Run for Fun week!
Fresh air, laughter, friendship, encouragement support...we could go on!
An entire week ahead of us to enjoy the opportunity to start each day with a whole school run - what a positive way to start each and every day!
Day 2 and another fantastic start to the day in our Run for Fun week. The children were raring to go and it was lovely to hear their enthusiasm and passion! Coton Cooperation was in full swing as the children cheered one another on.
After an exciting day visiting the Anglo Saxon village at West Stow, Hedgehog Class took to the field to take part in day 2 of Run for Fun week. Being active and having fun together really was on the agenda today!

Day three and there is no less enthusiasm than on day one! It is such a delight to see the children heading to the field wearing big smiles on their faces as they spend the first 20 minutes of the school day running, jogging or walking with members of our school community. Such a positive start to the day with oodles of encouragement and support from everyone,
We are loving Run for Fun week here at Coton.