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Coton Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School

The key to learn, flourish and forgive

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Otter Class

Welcome to Otter Class 


Class Teachers - Mr Hedges & Miss Jarvis

Support Staff -

Mrs Harvey HLTA (Mornings and PPA Cover),

Mrs Cousins (Mon - Wed) , Mrs Rayaz ( Thur - Fri), Mrs Wong (Fri)


A warm welcome to Otter Class!


Welcome back to the Summer Term! We hope you have all had a lovely, restful Easter break.


Our new topic is 'School Days'

This topic will will focus on our school and its locality both today and in the past. It will include discussing the move from the old school house, and the extensions and changes that have taken place to our current school building. The children will then compare schooling in the Victorian era to their experiences today. In science we will be focusing on animals - grouping, structures and diets before moving on to plants - wild and garden plants, their basic structure and how they change over time. We will be looking at the work of American pop artist James Rizzi in art. Our PE days will return to Mondays and Tuesdays before half term and, of course , after half term will be swimming! Details of days and times for this will follow.


We are a mixed-aged Class of Year 1 and  Year 2 children. At the moment we have 13 Year 2 children and 17 Year 1 children.

Mr Hedges is the teacher on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and  Miss Jarvis is  on Wednesdays. Mrs Harvey will support Phonics, English and Maths each morning. The children will also be supported by Mrs Cousins, Mrs Rayaz and Mrs Wong.

The children come into Otter Class in the morning via the green gate which is part of our fenced outdoor area. They are collected from here when school ends at 3.30.



